Did you know that classic comedies are still enjoyed by people today? Retro TV has turned into a “thing.” You can watch a classic comedy on basic cable or the internet whenever the mood strikes. One of our favorite classics is “I Love Lucy.”

Photo credit: cainmark via Foter.com / CC BY-SA
Kids and adults still get a kick out of seeing Lucy Ricardo do the Vitametavagamin act (do you poop out at parties?) or dancing in a grape vat. Sure, the clothing and norms have changed, but classic comedy can still be a charming little entertainment.
The show ran from 1951 – 1957, so that’s older than most of the population today. Here’s our overview in a nutshell; many episodes begin with Lucy going out of her way to fix a problem herself. This leads her down a path of crazy antics where the hole just gets deeper (and funnier). Eventually Lucy has to come clean and tell her husband Ricky the truth. Many shows end up with a classic crying jag cracking up the audience with that signature “Waaaaahhh.”
A Letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair
If you’ve received a Bureau of Automotive Repair letter, it could feel like you’ve stepped into your own comedy of errors. At first, you might think that STAR citation letter can be handled on your own. What’s the problem? You have the evidence and can work out the details, right? Don’t be fooled. BAR attorneys know what they are doing and it’s not funny. Any self-imposed time-wasting efforts will only help their case against you. Trying to work through the BAR court process can be akin to Lucy working in the candy factory. At the start things seem easy to manage, then the conveyor belt speeds up and she’s stuffing loads of chocolate in her mouth to keep up.
It’s important to remember a Bureau of Automotive Repair citation may not be your fault. The California Bureau of Automotive Repair could have made their own mistakes while evaluating your auto shop. They just won’t admit to it. Auto repair shop owners who receive a SMOG citation or BAR letter do not need to go it alone. We understand the legal devices the Bureau of Automotive Repair has at their disposal. One simple citation can quickly snowball into a myriad of STAR accusations and fines making it tough for an auto shop owner to keep up. Our defense lawyers know how to respond to a Bureau of Automotive Repair letter so there’s no crying involved.
As funny as the “I Love Lucy” show was, the real Lucille Ball wasn’t a “scatterbrained housewife.” She was a savvy businesswoman who worked hard to make every comic device appear easy. That was the genius of the show. If you’ve received a Bureau of Automotive Repair letter, take a tip from Lucy and respond with an expert lawyer on your side. Handling a SMOG citation or BAR accusation requires more work than it appears. It’s our job to make the work look easy, even when we are handling a lot of moving parts in the background. That’s no joke!