When It’s Time To Get a Criminal Defense Lawyer Against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, We’ve Got Experience

Our legal team has helped smog technicians and local auto repair shops fight different types of accusations from the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Sometimes, it’s easy to defend a smog citation, which can be wiped from a record and save a shop’s STAR ratings.Interior of a car at an automotive repair shop, threatened by a legal action from the Bureau of Automotive Repair

Other times, it’s a bit more complicated, for instance if there’s an accusation due to an undercover car. Our legal team knows the tricky strategies the BAR can use to snare an honest smog-testing shop! The first thing we do is get down to business reviewing the evidence and then push back on the allegations.

When handled by an expert legal defense team, such cases usually do not shut down a business. In the worst cases, a fine may have to be paid, but the shop remains open, and staff continue to work and earn a living.

The cases with dire consequences are when the Bureau of Auto Repair announces criminal charges against a smog testing and auto repair shop. The threat of completely losing the business is real. The consequences to individuals can include severe penalties like large fines, license suspensions, and jail time.

Do Not “DIY” Criminal Smog Testing and Auto Repair Charges in Court!

We usually don’t suggest that small shops try to battle Bureau of Automotive Repair attorneys in court for any accusation. Even if a shop receives a smog citation, a good defense attorney against the Bureau of Automotive Repair can lessen the penalties. But if it’s a criminal charge? It’s about the life of a business, and careers are in jeopardy.

We’ve seen Bureau of Auto Repair attorneys raise their ante several notches when they are fighting a criminal case. In their eyes, the accused is guilty and will receive the full extent of their righteous fury. The nature of the criminal violations can include:

  • Tampering with vehicle components to pass an inspection
  • Cheating the testing systems
  • Failing to disclose necessary repairs
  • Performing repairs without proper approval

The Bureau of Auto Repair is a state agency designed to protect California’s air quality and consumers. If they receive a consumer complaint, they will investigate thoroughly. If they find anything, it will be amplified in court.
The legal process for criminal smog cases is more formal as well. Compared to other cases, details can be more complex and confuse an auto repair technician and/or shop owner. The burden of proof is solidly on the accused to defend their side. And believe us, the BAR attorneys are there to fight hard and win.

This is why it’s critical to connect with a criminal defense lawyer against the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Our legal team is very familiar with how these criminal cases work, and we are prepared to fight back. Many of us have been in the smog testing business ourselves, and we’ve seen first-hand the devastating loss of a smog business. We advise shop owners and technicians not to manage criminal cases as “Do It Yourself” projects. With law firm offices in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, we’re eager to meet you and provide a free consultation on your issues; telephone and ZOOM meetings are also available.


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