The new STAR scores have been issued by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. As the new STAR scores are out, and many facilities – auto repair shops, SMOG check stations, and individual technicians – are running to check out their scores, there are two comments that might make your heart sink.
STAR Certification Review by the Bureau of Automotive Repair
Comment #1: The station’s STAR certification is currently under review by the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Comment #2: This station has, at some point in the past, failed two consecutive quarters and is therefore currently failing Short-Term Measures regardless of the station’s current Short-Term results.
These two comments signify a STAR Invalidation Letter is forthcoming: what this means is the Bureau of Automotive Repair is going to try and take your STAR Certification for FPR, Similiar Vehicle Fail Rate, Incorrect Gear Selection, ASM Restarts, Aborts, Fuel Cap testing, EVAP testing, Timing Checks, OBD II not performed or Max Readiness Monitors, or other issues.
Need to Fight a STAR Certification Review? Make an Appeal? We Can Help
Although this can be unnerving, there is a STAR program appeal process. We can help. We have successfully overturned several STAR Invalidations, sometimes in a matter of a few weeks. Others, we are appealing by way of a formal administrative appeal in front of an Administrative Law Judge at the Office of Administrative Hearings and feel extremely confident we will win.
If your STAR page lists the above and you anticipate receiving a STAR Invalidation letter, give us a call – we’ll get you through it!