Going Social as We Follow the Bureau of Automotive Repair

Everyone these days is ‘going social.’ Nowadays, law firms like ourselves need to use social media to a) follow events as they happen, and b) communicate with clients and potential clients. We follow the Bureau of Automotive Repair closely, as the agency issues new regulations and updates and attempt to pass the important information onto our clients. As specialists in Bureau of AutomotiveSocial Media Marketing and the Bureau of Automotive Repair repair legal issues, it’s our job to know how the agency truly works and do everything within the limits of the law to protect our clients against BAR citations ad accusations.

The Bureau of Automotive Repair on Social Media

Here are some important links to the Bureau of Automotive Repair:

  1. Website (https://www.bar.ca.gov/) – the primary place to learn official information from the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
  2. Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BureauofAutomotiveRepair) – yes, the BAR is on Facebook and even has more than 290 friends!
  3. Twitter (https://twitter.com/BARinfo) – the place to go for ‘breaking news’ about the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
  4. YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/BARuser) – Videos from the agency

We’re going social as well.  With new updates on our own Twitter (https://twitter.com/AutoDefense) and Google+ for San Francisco (https://plus.google.com/116558318709719492849/about) and Google+ for Los Angeles / Santa Monica (https://plus.google.com/+Automotivedefense/about). So stay tuned, as we’re “going social” to keep up with everything relating to the Bureau of Automotive Repair and its programs.


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