June 15, 2016 – Santa Monica, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a California law firm of attorneys defending against Bureau of Automotive Repair citations, accusations, and letters, is proud to announce the second part of its FAQ document on undercover cars in use by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. The first part was published in April, and this second part completes an in-depth look at the so-called ‘Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover vehicles,’ an area of great controversy in the industry.
“Many technicians and station owners are not aware of the BAR undercover cars until they receive some type of action from the Bureau,” explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. “Our FAQ document helps owners and technicians understand many of the commonly asked questions about these undercover vehicles and ‘sting operations’ put out by the Bureau of Automotive Repair.”

Automotive Repair defense
To read the post, visit the website under Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover cars. Interested parties are urged to reach out to an attorney, if needed, as every situation is unique. They are also advised to read part 1 on Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover vehicles as well on the website.
Typical Questions about Bureau of Automotive Repair Undercover Cars
Among the common questions asked by automotive repair and SMOG check stations are the following. First, an owner may be supervising employees and yet be held responsible for their misconduct, as alleged by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Second, the post explains slang terms such as ‘clean piping’ and ‘clean plugging,’ which can be a source of great consternation. Third, it goes over the use of statistics by the Bureau of Automotive Repair and in the inherent difficulty of comparing affluent areas of California with depressed areas in terms of compliance with California’s stringent SMOG standards. Other questions are addressed as well in this important landmark document, part 2.
About Automotive Repair Specialists
Automotive Repair Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including accusations from the Bureau of Auto Repair. The company offers free phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Web. https://automotivedefense.com/
Tel. (415) 392-2886