If You Have an Issue With the Bureau of Automotive Repair, You May Need a Lawyer

One of the chief problems of being involved in the auto repair business in California is the Golden State’s Bureau of Automotive Repair. There are so many different rules and regulations by which you have to abide, and it is all too easy to make an error even though you take every care in what you do. You need a trained lawyer to deal with the Bureau of Automotive repair in California.

Apart from anything else, there is the STAR Program. One small, isolated mistake when you are a test station or test and repair station, and you can receive a STAR Invalidation. For most auto repair shops this is enough to put them out of business, because in many cases it represents 2/3 of what they do. If you need to know how to appeal a Bureau of Automotive Repair decision, the first thing to understand is that it is a logistical nightmare and that you would be foolish to try to appeal it on your own. You may need the help of an administrative law attorney, and in this case that is us at Automotive Defense Specialists.

Take A Look At This

If you don’t believe us, and you need to know how to appeal a Bureau of Automotive Repair decision, then we suggest you take a look at this page on the BAR website: https://www.bar.ca.gov/Industry/STAR_Program/FAQ. Among the dozens and dozens of questions and answers on this page alone, you will note that in the answer to the question of whether a small, isolated mistake can lead to the loss of STAR validation, the BAR replies “It depends on the nature of the mistake. A mistake that leads to a citation or an administrative action is grounds for and can lead to invalidation of a station’s STAR certification.”

This is just one of the reasons that our answer to the question of how to appeal a Bureau of Automotive Repair decision is that you should come straight to us. The first thing to do is to appeal the decision before the deadline in the letter. You should also note that it is quite possible to receive more than one Star Invalidation letter, and you need to appeal each and every one separately. The Bureau of Automotive Repair sends out over 1,000 STAR Certificate Invalidations each year, and some people receive three or four of them. Each one needs to be dealt with, and dealt with before any deadline is reached, because missing one deadline means that your STAR certification is gone.

The advantages of using us to handle your issues with the BAR are many, but it means that you can go back to work while we get on with fighting the BAR on your behalf. And we know all of the ins and outs and have all of the answers. Our results speak for themselves. If you are located in California – from Eureka to San Diego, Truckee to San Francisco, Los Angeles to, well, Needles or anywhere in between, our attorneys are here to help!


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