Los Angeles, California – July 28, 2017. Automotive Defense Specialists, a California law firm defending auto repair shops and technicians against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new informative resource for STAR Invalidations.

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The Bureau of Automotive Repairs STAR program has many controversial elements, among them costly invalidation actions against the licenses of station owners and SMOG technicians.
“Receiving a STAR invalidation letter from California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair can be intimidating, and shop owners may wonder if it’s worth contesting the issue,” explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. “Our new resource page on Bureau of Automotive Repair STAR invalidations can help shop owners better understand the process for appeal, but they should consider contacting a knowledgeable attorney vs. attempting the appeal process on their own.”
Interested persons can view the newly updated resource page on STAR Program invalidations on the website. Those particularly facing an invalidation can view the resource article at https://automotivedefense.com/about/services/bureau-of-automotive-repair-star-invalidation-cases/. With recent efforts by the Bureau of Automotive Repair to tighten up regulatory enforcements of the Bureau of Automotive Repair STAR program, the law firm has seen an uptick in inquiries from concerned SMOG station owners and technicians.
SMOG Check and STAR Program Station Owners Pass the Test: Bureau of Automotive Repair STAR Invalidation Appeals
SMOG check stations, auto technicians, and participants in the STAR program may have spent many hours completing testing to become STAR certified. Once the word gets out to the public, a STAR station may have a full schedule as many consumers are required to SMOG their cars at a STAR station. There can be little time to focus on much else. If the Bureau of Automotive Repair sends a STAR invalidation letter, however, it can halt business immediately. Auto shop owners could have questions about what to do next. If the Follow Up Pass Rate (FPR), for example, is out of “normal ranges,” this in and of itself may spell trouble for a station’s license. Seeking professional advice to quickly begin a STAR invalidation appeal may become a top priority.
For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists, expert attorneys for actions concerning the Bureau of Automotive Repair STAR program, has announced a new resource page. SMOG station and auto shop owners in possession of an invalidation letter can find valuable information about the appeal process. Working with a skilled attorney, technicians and shop owners can review the STAR appeal options and take steps to begin the appeals process quickly.
About Automotive Defense Specialists
Automotive Repair Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including accusations from the Bureau of Auto Repair, STAR license invalidations and STAR invalidation appeals. The company offers free phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Web. https://automotivedefense.com/
Tel. (415) 392-2886
Photo credit: Prayitno / Thank you for (12 millions +) view via Foter.com / CC BY