Santa Monica, California – March 22, 2018. Automotive Defense Specialists, a law firm of defense attorneys working against the Bureau of Automotive Repair and in favor of SMOG and STAR station owners in California, is proud to announce a new blog post. The post focuses on the important, though nuanced, issue of tone.

Photo credit: Loco Steve via / CC BY
“Bureau of Automotive Repair letters can seem to have a rather harsh emphasis. If a mom and pop auto shop has received a SMOG citation letter or potential violation in the state’s STAR program, it can feel like they’ve already been tried in court,” explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. “We can help defend against the accusation and help get auto shops the respect they deserve.”
To review the new Automotive Defense blog post for STAR program citation, visit the website. The post explains that an accusation letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair may not be the end of a valuable SMOG program for an auto shop. An auto repair fraud letter or violation notice can be handled by an expert auto defense attorney. Interested persons searching to learn more about lawyers defending against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, can also visit the website. To set the narrative in court, it may be important to consult with a SMOG station or STAR program defense lawyer, before dealing with the Bureau of Automotive Repair directly.
Here is background on this release. Any type of written communication can offer up a particular point of view, or POV. A news article may suggest global warming is real by focusing on data about melting ice caps. An author highlighting superfoods could imply juicing beets and spinach is the best way to be healthy. Both examples might offer a piece of truth, but may not tell the entire story. To make an assumption before facts are completely reviewed can be disrespectful. If an auto repair shop has been sent a STAR program citation, for example, the tone of the letter could appear accusatory. The point of view in a Bureau of Automotive Repair letter can seem as if a SMOG shop or California STAR program participant has already been convicted of a violation before a day in court.
For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists have announced a recent blog post on the issue of tone. A defense lawyer experienced in legal jargon can change the narrative and help an auto shop get the respect it deserves.
Automotive Defense Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidations. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Tel. (415) 392-2886