You’ve probably hear the idiom “The Devil is in the Details.” It’s normally used as a cautionary saying warning others to pay attention to small things that can cause havoc if they go unnoticed.

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We think this perfectly describes Bureau of Automotive Repair Undercover Cars. They use standard tactics to cause trouble for skilled technicians during SMOG checks. These cars can be hell for technicians because many mistakes done on a BAR undercover vehicle are actually quite innocent. Certified STAR auto shops normally employ well-trained SMOG technicians to keep business moving steadily. When the Bureau of Automotive Repair sends out a STAR citation due to an undercover car, it can feel like entrapment.
We know the Bureau of Automotive Repair aren’t devils, but they aren’t angels either. It’s their job to catch your SMOG technicians doing something wrong. Practices like hiding clipped wires in looms can be easily missed no matter how thorough an inspection is. Sometimes these undercover cars can almost seem possessed. The BAR will alter voltage readings of sensors by reprogramming CPU’s which will keep a technicians scan tool from identifying any problems. These are devilish tactics to use on an SMOG testing shop. Luckily, our team of auto defense attorneys know what they can do and are ready to defend you in court.
Call a Top Defense Attorney to Banish the Bureau of Automotive Repair Undercover Cars Beastly Claims
Even if you’re too young to remember the opening of “The Exorcist,” everyone knows it’s a horror classic. In the movie, a young girl starts to behave as if she’s possessed by the devil. The mother speaks to several doctors with no help in sight. Finally an Exorcist arrives and after a soul-crushing fight, casts out the evil. If your SMOG shop has received a STAR violation letter due to a Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover car, you might feel helpless too. Our expert defense lawyers know it’s not easy to fight them in court. Their attorneys can seem to be in complete control. We know the right tools to use defend your STAR certification against a SMOG accusation.
As auto shop defense lawyers, it’s our duty bring to light the little demons hiding under the hood of a Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover car. We know how to battle their claims and bring your SMOG shop back to normal. There’s no reason to give up a STAR certification which could be the soul of a successful SMOG business. A Bureau of Automotive Repair accusation is intimidating, but it isn’t an all-powerful supernatural force. Give us a call for a consultation if you’ve received a BAR letter due to an undercover car and we can help your business see the light of day.
Photo credit: Prayitno / Thank you for (12 millions +) view via / CC BY