One thing we love about California is how many places the roads can take us. Highways lead to beaches, mountains, deserts, cosmopolitan cities and small towns. During the summer season it’s easy to travel by motorbike or car to wherever the heart desires.

Photo credit: roseannadana: Thank you for 3 million views via / CC BY-ND
It can do a busy SMOG shop technician good to take a few days off and hit the open road. And why not? STAR testing all day can wear a tech down. Driving along coastal highways or up to the mountains in the fresh air can revitalize a spirit.
If you are planning to enjoy the great outdoors, we’d like to remind you to be aware of all the road construction along the way. It seems just as an excursion is hitting its stride, a road block sign flashes ahead. Yep, there’s a construction worker in an orange vest holding a large STOP sign crushing the vibe. Sometimes it can feel the same way when you get a SMOG accusation letter. An auto shop can be moving along, managing SMOG checks when the Bureau of Automotive Repair puts up a roadblock in the form of a STAR violation.
Don’t be a Sitting Duck and How to Dispute the Bureau of Automotive Repair
If there’s a construction project on the highway, sitting and waiting is all a driver can do. Eventually the driver is signaled to move along and get moving again. Unfortunately, this is not how to dispute the Bureau of Automotive Repair. In fact, waiting for them to provide direction could be costly. The BAR has a skilled team of high-powered lawyers ready to jackhammer an auto shop in court. They will put up all manner of legal roadblocks and dead ends to stop an auto shop from managing their SMOG business. Instead of sitting and waiting, contact us and we can show you how to dispute the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
We understand that mistakes happen, we also know that you may not have made a mistake. The BAR attorneys don’t care either way, it’s their job to prove you wrong. Sitting there politely waiting for your turn to speak doesn’t mean you’ll be allowed to leave court without consequences. It just gives them more time to plan a case against your SMOG technicians. Don’t allow it to happen. Contact our defense attorneys and let us do what we do best: give your auto shop the green light to fight for your rights. When it comes to how to dispute the Bureau of Automotive Repair, our expert attorneys can bypass an accusation letter and get you back on the road!
Photo credit: roseannadana: Thank you for 3 million views via / CC BY-ND