SMOG Check Technician Defense Attorney Gets Techs the Respect They Deserve in Court

Respect is something we believe is important to give to anyone we come in contact with. For any discussion or problem-solving, we think it’s essential.

SMOG Check Technician Defense Attorney

Photo credit: roseannadana: Thank you for 3 million views via / CC BY-ND

As SMOG check technician defense attorneys, we see how an accusation letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair can feel disrespectful to a SMOG technician. The tone of the letter itself can appear condescending. As if a tech hasn’t spent hours of training to become a STAR certified professional. It can be enough to make a SMOG shop owner shout like Rodney Dangerfield “No respect, no respect!”

We feel your pain. As a team of SMOG check technician defense attorneys we’ve seen how shabby the BAR can treat you in court. If a Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover car has been unknowingly serviced, the tech could be set up to look like a fool. It’s pretty easy to miss a smog check defeat device or notice a wire change in a hidden spot. How can a hard-working SMOG technician win? Well, just remember, you are not Rodney Dangerfield and you don’t have to take it.

A Day in Court is No Joke to Our SMOG Check Technician Defense Attorneys

Dangerfield was the king of the one-liners. He told the same jokes for years and the audience still loved him. Here’s a sample:

”That’s the story of my life, no respect, no respect at all. Nothing comes easy for me. I went to the freak show and they let me in for free. When I played in the sandbox as a kid, the cat kept covering me up. My parents moved a lot, but I always found them.”

His comedy was all about being mistreated and he made a good living playing the defensive putz. If your SMOG tech has received an accusation letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair, it’s not funny. BAR attorneys have a long list of tactics that can seem insulting to a hard working SMOG technician. If the tech doesn’t have a professional lawyer on their side, losing in court could mean losing a living. Our team of SMOG check technician defense attorneys know the kind of show a Bureau of Auto Repair lawyer puts on.

Many of our SMOG check technician defense attorneys were once auto techs. We understand you worked hard to become the professional you are. If the Bureau of Automotive Repair has sent an accusation letter, call us for a consult and let us get you the respect you deserve.

Photo credit: roseannadana: Thank you for 3 million views via / CC BY-ND


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