Bureau of Automotive Repair Defense Attorney Law Firm, Automotive Defense Specialists Announce Upgraded Web Page to Boost Support for SMOG testing community

San Francisco, California – September 27, 2018. Automotive Defense Specialists, a professional Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorney law firm is proud to announce a web page upgrade. Persons searching for legal support to fight a SMOG violation letter can review answers. Bureau of Automotive Repair Defense Attorney Law FirmUpgrades such as better graphics and https secure pages can be found. The firm represents B2B consumers such as mom and pop auto shops and SMOG stations.

“If a shop has received a letter from the BAR, we make it our job to get them informed and supported asap. That’s the first step to winning a case in court,” explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. “The upgrades to our new site help the auto and SMOG community get updated information in a better way.”

To review the updated web page for Automotive Defense Specialists, individuals can visit;
https://automotivedefense.com/. The Bureau of Automotive Repair Defense Attorney Law Firm has upgraded the page to continue to serve the SMOG testing community. The page clearly addresses cases including; STAR invalidations, citation defense, BAR accusation letters and licensing issues.


Here is the background for the release. Websites have become an important source for information gathering. A person may seek knowledge from a web page to learn the best way to handle problems from tooth decay to tax returns. An older website could be the wrong answer. If a page for dental work provides dated information, it may not help persons seeking the latest in dental technology. If the tax laws on a CPA’s page have not been updated, information could be useless for the current tax year. In the same way, automotive repair shops and SMOG repair technicians may realize that they need to consult an up-to-date website. It may be important to learn a Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorney law firm has upgraded their web page.

For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists, a Bureau of Automotive Repair Defense attorney law firm established to serve B2B SMOG accusations has announced a website upgrade. The updated site can provide secure and current legal information for SMOG testing technicians. Topics of interest may include; petition for interim suspension orders, STAR invalidation cases and SMOG citations. An auto technician could need to find a current, secure website to address SMOG accusations from the BAR. A top Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorney law firm has an upgraded website to help smog check station owners and technicians face a disciplinary action.


Automotive Defense Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidations. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Web. https://automotivedefense.com/
Tel. (415) 392-2886


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