Automotive Defense Specialists Announces New Q&A Post on Bureau of Automotive Repair Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program

April 24, 2024 – Los Angeles, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of best-in-class defense attorneys focused on auto repair technicians and shop owners is proud to announce a new Q&A post on the latest news from the state regulatory agency, the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Freeway showing the SMOG problem that SMOG station work to keep under control

Photo credit: woodleywonderworks via / CC BY

As the informative post explains, the new program will change the process for SMOG and auto repair shop owners in California.

“Our defense lawyers support auto repair shops and technicians when they come into conflict with the state regulatory agency, i.e., the California Bureau of Auto Repair. Part of that is also informing them of the latest industry news,” said lead attorney William Ferreira from Automotive Defense Specialists. He continued, “The newly launched ‘Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program’ will usher in big changes and impact how this community does business. We are here to help explain it and point to information resources on the Internet.”

Auto repair professionals can review the Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program blog post at The new post highlights several areas of changes to the process as mandated by Assembly Bill 471 (
The post helps break down the new process into five parts:

1. Overview of the Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection Program
2. Phased Implementation Approach
3. Commencement of Vehicle Safety Systems Inspection
4. Technician Requirements and BAR Safety Inspection System
5. Transition from Brake and Lamp Programs

Interested persons can also review the firm’s “what we do page” at Any auto repair shop owner or technician who is facing a disciplinary action from the Bureau of Automotive Repair is recommended to reach out for a consultation vs. ‘going it alone.’


Here is the background on this release. The Bureau of Automotive Repair has launched a new process for car safety inspections. The new program aims to bolster vehicle safety by certifying safety systems and facilitating salvage-titled vehicle registrations with the DMV. SMOG testing and small auto repair shops may need to update current inspection processes to adhere to the new requirements as passed by 2023 California Assembly Bill 471. The shift in the process will be a phased implementation approach with support during the transition period, including waivers for certain license holders until a later date.


Automotive Defense Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including the Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and suspensions. The legal team can help auto shops respond to a Defense Letter from the Bureau of Auto Repair. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians, and others facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Tel. (415) 392-2886


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