Automotive Defense Specialists, Defense Attorneys Focused on SMOG Technicians and SMOG Shops, Announces New Informational Content
Santa Monica, California – October 1, 2022. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of top-rated SMOG tech and SMOG shop defense attorneys, is proud to announce new content for auto repair and smog technicians. The post explains the challenges of “going it alone” against powerful state agencies in California.
Understanding the Language of the Bureau of Automotive Repair Is Hard
California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair speaks its’ own “language”. Things like “accusation” or “suspension” or “certification” or even “invalidation”. All this mumbo-jumbo can really get confusing!
Los Angeles Has Been Referred to Rather Unkindly as the Birthplace of SMOG
“Los Angeles” and “SMOG” are often to be found in the same sentence, given that the city has suffered from it for many a long year. You can check the Los Angeles air quality online. In fact, Los Angeles has been described as the birthplace of SMOG, which is somewhat unkind because it is not alone.
SMOG Technicians Can Suffer Bureau of Automotive Repair Issues
Few Californians love to get their car smogged. It’s time-consuming, it’s expensive, and the waiting rooms at California smog shops can leave a “lot” to be desired.
Automotive Defense Specialists Announces New Content for STAR Suspension Attorney
Los Angeles, California – August 26, 2022. Automotive Defense Specialists, an expert SMOG license attorney team is proud to announce new informational content from a top STAR suspension attorney. SMOG shop owners and technicians presented with a Bureau of Auto Repair “suspension” action may be searching for answers to protect a STAR certification.
The STAR Program Is the Best, but You Need to Work Hard to Keep It
When it comes to the business of smogging vehicles in California, the STAR program is right up there as the crème de la crème. You are among the elite. You have worked hard to get there, but you still have to work hard to keep your STAR status.