Follow Up Pass Rate and the Bureau of Automotive Repair: Complex Issues
POSTED September 5, 2014

Follow Up Pass Rate and the Bureau of Automotive Repair: Complex Issues

Lee McDonald Comments Off

The ‘follow up pass rate’ by the Bureau of Automotive Repair has potential problems. Blog post by Bureau of Automotive Repair attorney expert William Ferreira. One would think that there were no myths in the land of the Bureau of Automotive Repair, but one would be wrong.

Similar Vehicle Failure Rate: Potential Problems
POSTED August 30, 2014

Similar Vehicle Failure Rate: Potential Problems

Lee McDonald Comments Off

The ‘similar vehicle failure rate’ by the Bureau of Automotive Repair has potential problems. Blog post by attorney expert William Ferreira. Many people land on our website, or inquire about our BAR defense attorney services, when they are confused about various technical issues that have caused them to be issued a ‘STAR Certification’ invalidation notice.

Estimating STAR Invalidation Notices via PRA (Public Record Act)
POSTED August 26, 2014

Estimating STAR Invalidation Notices via PRA (Public Record Act)

Lee McDonald Comments Off

As the Bureau of Automotive Repair is a public agency of the state of California, and as such is required to release some data on its activities.  We keep a close eye on available public records, as this indicates changes in regulatory behavior and increases (or decreases) in invalidations.

Success in STAR Certified Smog Station Invalidation Appeals, Announced by Automotive Defense Specialists
POSTED August 22, 2014

Success in STAR Certified Smog Station Invalidation Appeals, Announced by Automotive Defense Specialists

Lee McDonald Comments Off

Automotive Defense Specialists, a top California law firm specializing in Bureau of Automotive defense STAR Smog certificate invalidation cases, continues to win successes for auto repair shops and technicians. The firm specializes in defending technicians and small business owners against alleged STAR and Smog check program violations.

New STAR Scores from BAR are out for Second Quarter
POSTED July 10, 2014

New STAR Scores from BAR are out for Second Quarter

William Ferreira Comments Off

New STAR scores are out. If you receive an invalidation letter, go back to work with STAR while we appeal. We’ve already won several of these hearings.

Winning a STAR Invalidation Appeal
POSTED May 29, 2014

Winning a STAR Invalidation Appeal

William Ferreira Comments Off

Many times when we get into the data created for STAR scores, including deviations, incorrect gear, SVFR, and FPR, Aborts, ASM restarts, we find inconstancies. Within these inconsistencies we can develop and draft carefully crafted argumentation explaining why the data reflects such issues.