Tag: SMOG Check Defense Attorney

Santa Clara, California – May 25, 2023. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of professional lawyers fighting for auto repair technicians, and SMOG shops against the Bureau of Auto Repair is proud to announce a new post on the issue of “STAR suspensions.”

The auto repair and SMOG check industry is an important part of the California economy, employing tens of thousands of technicians across the state. However, there can be a potential “class conflict” between these hard-working technicians and attorneys who may not understand the unique challenges and perspectives of those working in the industry.

March 28, 2023 – Santa Clara, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of attorneys representing SMOG shops, auto repair technicians, and owners against California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair is proud to announce a new post on finding a specialized lawyer for ‘SMOG check’ issues.

An auto repair shop, like any other business, may face challenges in the form of investigations or legal disputes. In such circumstances, it is crucial to have an experienced defense attorney by their side to protect their interests and rights. Our team of defense attorneys works to aggressively defend SMOG shops and technicians against the […]

January 26, 2023 – Santa Monica, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of defense attorneys for SMOG technicians and auto repair is proud to announce a new blog post focused on the “STAR” program and so-called invalidations or suspensions.


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