If You Are Threatened by the Bureau of Automotive Repair, Automotive Defense Can Help

When you run a SMOG check station here in California, you can make a very good living. However, you are always under threat from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair whose main job seems to be to close you down. You need specialist help if you are threatened by the Bureau of Automotive RepairIt’s a sad state of affairs, but it’s what they do.

Certainly, it is right that the State should ensure that SMOG checks are carried out properly, but the simple fact is that they take things to extremes. Sending undercover cars to your test station is one thing, but quite often they have been altered in ways which it is almost impossible to detect. They do things such as altering the voltage readings of sensors to prevent scan tools from recognizing a problem, removing the spring in thermostats, and clipping coil wires in relays. Then they want to close you down. They don’t care about you, your family, your staff, your livelihood, or anything else. They just want to close you down. If you are threatened with that, you have to fight back.

We Know How To Fight The Bureau Of Automotive Repair

If you want to know how to fight the Bureau of Automotive Repair, you need to talk to our team of defense lawyers here at Automotive Defense Specialists. We DO know how to fight the Bureau of Automotive Repair because our attorneys do nothing else. The Bureau of Automotive repair is there to close you down and we are here to make certain that they don’t. We have handled very many cases over the last ten years, resulting in litigating, settling, or causing to be dismissed, over 2,000 cases, and taken a further 500 cases to verdict in front of a judge at Office of Administration Hearings. As we said, we do know how to fight the Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Whatever else you do, do NOT sit there and hope that it will go away, because if there is one thing we can guarantee, it is that it won’t. The other thing is not to try to fight them on your own. They are there to put you out of business, remember? It is what they do. The last thing that they want is for you to appoint us as your attorneys because then they know full well they have a big fight on their hands. After all, we’ve beaten them often enough and, sad to say, they don’t like losing. But if you try to fight them on your own, they will run rings around you.

So if you get any sort of threat from the BAR, don’t just sit there. Get yourself over to our office as fast as possible.


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