Automotive Defense Specialists Announces New Post on the Importance of a Bureau of Automotive Repair Appeal in California

Santa Monica, California – November 26, 2019. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of motivated defense attorneys representing clients against California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair is proud to announce a new informative post for the SMOG testing community in California on the issue of appeals. Bureau of Automotive Repair PhotoLosing against the Bureau of Automotive Repair could have long-term consequences for a technician and/or an auto repair shop. Losing the ability to test cars for six months to several years for SMOG issues might put a technician in financial straits. Appealing a decision can help keep a SMOG testing team working.

“When a person chooses to go into the SMOG testing profession, they take it seriously. Techs often invest their own money and time to achieve a certification,” explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. “When a tech or shop loses a case against the Bureau, it’s like having the rug pulled out from under them. We are here to say they can get back on their feet by appealing these cases.”

The SMOG testing community can review the new post from Automotive Defense Specialists at A judgment against a SMOG shop in court may seem final. Specialists skilled in Bureau of Automotive Repair appeals can help change the outcome. Auto repair and smog testing shops have the right to appeal a negative decision, even in the case of criminal charges. To learn more about the Bureau of Auto Repair and these issues, please read the referenced blog post. The firm manages both criminal defense cases and SMOG testing accusations; individual consultations are available, as only a trained attorney can evaluate that facts and law of a case.


Here is the background for the release. In many types of common court cases, a defendant may not be in jeopardy of losing a job. A traffic violation may result in a fine, but the judgment will not take away a person’s ability to go to work the next day and continue to earn a living. In SMOG violation cases, however, a technician ready to go it alone in court could leave without a career. The fallout could result in financial hardship, health issues, and problems in personal relationships.

Bureau of Auto Repair lawyers are skilled in winning accusations with scant evidence. A technician could be innocent of the charges, and a negative judgment might be wrong. It is the right of SMOG station owners and technicians to secure legal representation and appeal a case through legal channels. Instead of accepting the outcome and losing a career, auto techs and repair shops in California, from Los Angeles to Eureka, San Francisco to San Diego, might consider a Bureau of Automotive Repair appeal.

An accusation letter could place the blame on a technician with little proof. Unclear violations based on STAR regulations can be the basis for a court case. A team of attorneys specialized in Bureau of Automotive Repair appeals can flip an outcome back in favor of a smog shop or smog technician. For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists has announced a new post for the SMOG testing community.


Automotive Defense Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidation. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians, and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Tel. (415) 392-2886


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