Our Defense Attorneys Specialize in Defending Repair Shops and Independent Dealerships in California.
Our lawyers represent Automotive Repair Facilities, Auto Body Shops, SMOG Check Stations, Technicians, and Independent Dealerships and anyone involved in California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair STAR / SMOG check program in every facet of their legal needs – whether it’s an Bureau of Automotive Repair or DMV Investigation – we do it all with the knowledge that we’re protecting your business – your way of life – what you do to put food on the table for your family.
Our attorneys understand the importance of your legal issues – we understand what’s at stake. The Bureau of Automotive Repair has its own specialized lawyers – lawyers who understand their regulations and the laws governing SMOG Check / STAR program possible violations, citations, and formal accusations. You need your own defense lawyer, one who knows the Bureau of Automotive Repair as well, but who will vigorously represent your interests in any legal or regulatory action.
Bureau of Automotive Repair Attorneys Who Represent You
Sometimes a legal issue is resolved with a phone call. Other times, a carefully drafted letter outlining the legalities involved squashes litigation before it has a chance to get started. In some cases, we need to go to an administrative hearing or even a criminal hearing due to alleged violations of the SMOG check / STAR program which regulates cars in California vis-a-vis the pollution requirements.
We carefully outline possible exposure, helping you determine what is in your best interests, helping minimize liability, and if need be, release the hounds – making sure the other party understands we’ll fight like hell to protect your interests.
The most important tool in litigation is information – we make sure you have as much as possible so you can make the appropriate decision.
Whatever the case may be – we do what is best for our clients. Contact a Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorney today – before it’s too late!