Category: Blog

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes they are nice surprises like finding out you are the 10,000th customer at a favorite restaurant and you get a free meal! Or maybe your friend just surprised you with seats near the 50-yard line to a 49ers game. Or yet another trip has given you a trip to […]

November 30, 2017 – San Bernadino, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a law firm of professional lawyers specialized in defense against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new informative post on selecting the best lawyer for one’s defense.

Weekend warriors are all about pushing themselves to the limit. Plenty of options are available for people who have decided to test their grit. From survivalist contests to triathlon races, every level and type of endurance can be found for those seeking the challenge.

Oakland, California – October 18, 2017. Automotive Defense Specialists, top attorneys involved in STAR and SMOG disputes with California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a newly updated contact page. The newly updated page makes it easier than ever for impacted SMOG / STAR Program station owners and/or technicians to request a consultation.

Doesn’t it all seem to be about ratings in today’s cyber-centric society? Checking out the scores of a service before contacting them has become common place. If a restaurant constantly receives two out of five bananas on the Monkey-Loves-Bananas website, it may eventually reflect in a loss of business.


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