Many times in a case, whether it be a Bureau of Automotive Repair Accusation or a Bureau of Automotive Repair Citation, there are some cases I advise clients to use an expert witness, specifically a Bureau of Automotive Repair Expert. The reason?
Automotive Defense Specialists
The Law Firm for the Automotive Repair Industry
Text Mr. Ferreira Direct - (415) 412-0472
Free ConsultationMany times in a case, whether it be a Bureau of Automotive Repair Accusation or a Bureau of Automotive Repair Citation, there are some cases I advise clients to use an expert witness, specifically a Bureau of Automotive Repair Expert. The reason?
New STAR scores are out. If you receive an invalidation letter, go back to work with STAR while we appeal. We’ve already won several of these hearings.
Many times when we get into the data created for STAR scores, including deviations, incorrect gear, SVFR, and FPR, Aborts, ASM restarts, we find inconstancies. Within these inconsistencies we can develop and draft carefully crafted argumentation explaining why the data reflects such issues.
Citations can be the death knell of a technician’s career. They can also be the death knell of the shop – losing STAR and by extension 50% of your business.
Challenging FPR and SVFR Scores during STAR Invalidation Appeals. If you want to draw the ire of STAR Station Owners in a hurry, you certainly can bring up one of two specific criteria as “grounds for STAR Certification Invalidation” – SVFR and FPR.
I need to inform you about this process, a process, which if handled correctly, will not only ensure continued STAR certification for at least several months, but possibly indefinitely, meaning no loss of STAR Certification.