Category: Blog

It is relatively common knowledge among the SMOG check community that the Bureau of Automotive Repair conducts “sting” operations using undercover cars. Basically, a car may come into a SMOG Check or STAR participant station, and – unbeknownst to the technician and/or owner – this car isn’t really that of a consumer.

The Bureau of Automotive Repair is, of course, charged with regulating California’s SMOG check and STAR program participant stations. If you are a station owner or technician, you probably already know that. Your encounters with the Bureau may have been limited to licensing issues.

Social Media – the likes of Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and other so-called new media – are often thought of when it comes to media superstars like Taylor Swift or the cast of Saturday Night Live. Big retailers like REI, Target, or Gucci are also known to populate the media with photos, tips, tricks, and insider […]

As a law firm active in Bureau of Automotive Repair defense cases, we get a lot of inquiries from Station Owners who have received a so-called citation from the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Now, if you have received one of these, you best action is to reach out for a consultation – as every situation […]

As part of our on-going education of the California SMOG check and STAR program community, we’re publishing some short Q&A on various topics concerning possible Bureau of Automotive Repair issues. This post focuses on the controversy surrounding BAR97 vs. OIS.


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