Tag: SMOG Check

July 29, 2019 – Santa Monica, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, a legal team of professional attorneys defending SMOG technicians and repair shops, is proud to announce an informational blog post on the controversial topic of undercover cars.

May 31, 2019 – San Francisco, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, the leading law firm working to defend station owners and technicians against California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new blog post about the importance of a good Bureau of Automotive Repair defense lawyer to help fight an accusation letter.

March 25, 2019 – Santa Monica, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, led by attorney William Ferreira and focused on defending smog or STAR Program station owners and technicians against the California Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce an innovative blog post for the lay public on citations by the Bureau.


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