Tag: bureau of automotive repair

The Bureau of Automotive Repair is, of course, charged with regulating California’s SMOG check and STAR program participant stations. If you are a station owner or technician, you probably already know that. Your encounters with the Bureau may have been limited to licensing issues.

Social Media – the likes of Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and other so-called new media – are often thought of when it comes to media superstars like Taylor Swift or the cast of Saturday Night Live. Big retailers like REI, Target, or Gucci are also known to populate the media with photos, tips, tricks, and insider […]

Santa Monica, California – February 25, 2016. Automotive Defense Specialists, a California law firm of attorneys active against Bureau of Automotive Repair citations and accusations at https://automotivedefense.com/, is proud to announce an important update to a blog post on Interim Suspension Order Hearings, often called ‘ISOs’ in the industry. The law firm represents clients who […]

Santa Monica, CA – January 31, 2016. Automotive Defense Specialists, a California law firm of attorneys with expertise in Bureau of Automotive Repair criminal cases, is proud to announce new coverage on its blog concerning both braking and brake light systems for California SMOG check stations and participants in its STAR program who may be […]


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