Tag: bureau of automotive repair

Palo Alto, CA – April 29, 2017. Automotive Defense Specialists, California lawyers defending auto shops against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, are proud to announce a new blog post in their educational series on California’s STAR program, part of the State’s effort to combat SMOG in the Golden State.

March 29, 2017 – Santa Monica, California. Automotive Defense Specialists, expert defense attorneys representing automobile repair shops including SMOG stations and STAR program participants in California against the Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce an informative new blog post on “accusations.”

When a rash of auto thefts loom large in a particular neighborhood, law enforcement will deploy “bait cars” to take down criminals. Decoy cars are left on random street corners with the doors unlocked offering an open welcome to car thieves. Many times the keys are put in the ignition which makes it almost too […]


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