Many residents of Los Angeles who need a SMOG check will go online and look for a SMOG shop “near me”. There is nothing wrong with that, because getting your car smogged is nothing short of a pain, so the nearest SMOG shop will do.
Automotive Defense Specialists
The Law Firm for the Automotive Repair Industry
Text Mr. Ferreira Direct - (415) 412-0472
Free ConsultationMany residents of Los Angeles who need a SMOG check will go online and look for a SMOG shop “near me”. There is nothing wrong with that, because getting your car smogged is nothing short of a pain, so the nearest SMOG shop will do.
San Francisco, California – April 30, 2021. Automotive Defense Specialists, an expert team of defense lawyers working to represent auto repair shops, technicians, and SMOG-related service providers in California, is proud to announce a new post focused on license denial issues.
Los Angeles, California – December 17, 2020. Automotive Defense Specialists, a professional team of lawyers prepared to defend auto repair and SMOG shops against California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new post helping small business owners know their rights including the right to a forceful defense attorney against any state agency.
The average consumer in California does not know that the SMOG industry is highly regulated.
California has an unusual climate. The cold fog comes in from the Pacific and hits the warmer desert air, especially in the Los Angeles basin.
According to California State law, it is required that vehicles get a SMOG check in California every few years. How often depends on the age of the vehicle. It sounds pretty simple, right?