If you are a SMOG technician or station owner and you receive a decision from the BAR (Bureau of Automotive Repair), it is not a good idea to try and fight it on your own.
Automotive Defense Specialists
The Law Firm for the Automotive Repair Industry
Text Mr. Ferreira Direct - (415) 412-0472
Free ConsultationIf you are a SMOG technician or station owner and you receive a decision from the BAR (Bureau of Automotive Repair), it is not a good idea to try and fight it on your own.
A citation isn’t anything more than an allegation by the government. It might be true. It might be false. It might be – who the heck knows?
It’s a tough old life being an auto repair shop in California. Difficult customers. Expenses such as rent and labor. Regulations. Yes, lots and lots of regulations!
Running a SMOG shop or STAR station can be a hard-enough business on its’ own, but it can be even tougher when you have to deal with the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
We all know that SMOG in California is a big problem and is something that needs to be tackled. We want our air clean and free from impurities that can cause disease.
Receiving a citation is never fun. Even if it is a speeding citation from California’s Highway Patrol it can make you nervous. Sure, there’s the fine. Then there’s the ding to your license, and your insurance will go up. But at least you can keep driving.