Tag: bureau of automotive repair

Los Angeles, California – June 28, 2021. Automotive Defense Specialists, a team of defense attorneys working for SMOG and auto repair technicians and stations is proud to announce a page update focused on criminal defense issues.

California, the Golden State, is so called because of the gold that was discovered here in 1848. There are also fields full of golden poppies every Spring. Another explanation is that California is a great place in which to live and to raise a family and to do business. California, the Golden State became the […]

Running an auto repair shop isn’t easy. Whether you’re in Los Angeles or San Diego, Modesto or Eureka, California doesn’t make the life of the small business entrepreneur easy. Modern cars are very complicated, and modern (California) consumers are even worse. You may have all sorts of issues with your customers, and when they’re unhappy […]

As an auto technician or station owner in California, one of the worst things that can happen to you – if not the worst – is to be on the wrong end of a decision by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have rights. You do, and you can […]

Los Angeles, California – December 17, 2020. Automotive Defense Specialists, a professional team of lawyers prepared to defend auto repair and SMOG shops against California’s Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new post helping small business owners know their rights including the right to a forceful defense attorney against any state agency.


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